What is a Financial Plan?

Elements of a Financial Plan

In a sentence, a plan involves organizing your current data and then plotting it against your future goals.

A financial plan creates a series of independent models (such as retirement funding or saving for college) and then combines those models into a larger strategy. It should also include a series of future benchmarks with which to track progress.

Lifetime Retirement Partners will put together an analysis for your household at no cost, and with no strings attached!  Feel free to reach out today!

Why Create a Financial Plan?

Reasons to Create a Financial Plan

Having a written financial plan—including an organized set of finances, goals, and future expectations—can greatly improve the financial prospects of a household. 

A recent study found that 83% of households that created a financial plan felt better about their finances one year later. A separate study found that 54% of people with a plan felt “very confident” they would reach their goals.

Financial Planning works when it creates realistic goals and establishes strategies that households can put in place to achieve those goals. 

The Cost of Financial Planning

An internal survey found that an average of forty hours of staff & Advisor time goes into each new financial plan which we deliver. Given the extensive work which is required for a quality output, what is the cost to prospective clients?

At Lifetime Retirement Partners, our business model does not include a fee for the initial analysis.

This works contrary to the typical model of the industry where some firms charge thousands of dollars for similar work.  We view the completion of a financial plan as part of our due diligence in getting to know perspective clients.  In a sense, we get as much out of it as potential clients do.

Five Steps to Create a Financial Plan

Fee and Investment Analysis

Our financial plan includes a fee analysis on any existing investments. This is combined with a study which ensures that existing investments fit both your long-term goals and comfort with risk. 

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Financial Planning


Anthony Sueck has worked in the Financial Services industry since 2005.  With over fifteen years of experience in financial analysis and investment management, he specializes in detailed financial planning that goes far beyond what most firms are capable of offering.

Tony holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance—and a minor in Economics—from the University of Maryland (Global Campus).  He also obtained an Associate of Arts and Sciences degree from Iowa Western Community College.

Tony holds the distinguished Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP®) designation.  This certification focuses on retirement income planning coursework, including the development of Social Security and Medicare strategies and retirement investment planning. He also holds the CPFA® (Certified Plan Fiduciary Advisor) designation which denotes an expertise in working with retirement plans.

He married his wonderful wife Michelle in 2015.  They have two joyful children, Martin & Rosemary.  The household enjoys spending time with family and watching football in the winter.  In his free time, Tony enjoys non-fiction reading—particularly in the fields of history, economics, and international finance.


Book an appointment

Ready to speak to a professional Financial Advisor about putting a comprehensive, written financial plan in place? Use the links below to schedule an introductory consultation. You may also wish to review our steps for getting started in organizing your information.